

时间:2018-03-08 15:34:34 编辑:知网查重入口 www.cnkiid.cn


摘  要
【关键词】实际有效汇率  产业结构  传递效应
The role of international trade in the optimization and upgrading of a country's industrial structure is becoming more and more prominent. The exchange rate is the core factor of international business growth, the price of the two countries, the trade-weighted relationship between supply and demand, the relationship between price and supply and demand, The change in exchange rate will change the relative price of a country's production factors, guide a country's industry output and the proportion of investment scale re-allocation, triggering domestic industrial structure adjustment, optimization. And the layout of the problem is the price of change and integration, the current supply side of the structural change is the focus of the elimination of price distortions, this paper explores the RMB real effective exchange rate changes on the industrial structure of the impact of mechanisms and channels, the use of China 2000-2015 annual macro data For the sample, using the VAR model, the ADF unit root test, the cointegration test, the Granger causality test and the impulse response analysis method, it is concluded that the real effective exchange rate of RMB has a significant influence on the adjustment of China's industrial structure, Industry has a inhibitory effect, and the suppression of the tertiary industry has a long lag; from the overall structure of labor-intensive industries, capital-intensive industries have a favorable effect, and the role of capital-intensive industries significantly
Key wordsactual effective exchange rate; industrial structure; transfer effect;
1 前言
特别是,我国随着经济体制改革进入深水区,为增强人民币兑美元汇率中间价的市场化程度和基准性,自2015年8月11日人民币汇率中间价报价机制改革后,人民币汇率波动加大、贬值预期强烈,导致全国货物贸易项下资金净流出趋势明显,一定程度上影响企业贸易行为方式。可见,汇率作为贸易加权的供求关系,通过价格传递效应,对产业结构的调整作用不容忽视本文就人民币实际有效汇率通过传导效应,以三次产业结构调整和不同要素密集度行业结构调整两个角度,对我国产业结构的影响展开深入分析,就显得十分必要。 论文写好后